Source code for capybara

from __future__ import absolute_import
from contextlib import contextmanager

from capybara.version import __version__

app = None
""" object: The WSGI-compliant app to test. """

app_host = None
""" str: The default host to use when giving a relative URL to visit. Must be a valid URL. """

default_driver = "werkzeug"
""" str: The name of the driver default driver to use. """

javascript_driver = "selenium"
""" str: The name of the driver to use when JavaScript is required. """

current_driver = None
""" str: The name of the driver currently in use. """

server_name = "default"
""" str: The name of the server to use to serve the app. """

server_host = ""
""" str: The IP address bound by the default server. """

server_port = None
""" int, optional: The port bound by the default server. """

automatic_label_click = False
""" bool: Whether checkbox/radio actions will try to click the label of invisible elements. """

automatic_reload = True
""" bool: Whether to automatically reload elements as Capybara is waiting. """

enable_aria_label = False
""" bool: Whether fields, links, and buttons will match against aria-label attributes. """

exact = False
""" bool: Whether to match the exact label name/contents. """

default_max_wait_time = 2
""" int: The maximum number of seconds to wait for asynchronous processes to finish. """

default_selector = "css"
""" str: The name of the default selector used to find elements. """

ignore_hidden_elements = True
""" bool: Whether to ignore hidden elements on the page. """

match = "smart"
""" str: The matching strategy to use. """

raise_server_errors = True
""" bool: Whether errors raised in the server should be raised in the tests. """

save_path = None
""" str, optional: Where to put saved pages and screenshots. """

visible_text_only = False
""" bool: Whether to only consider visible text. """

wait_on_first_by_default = False
""" bool: Whether :meth:`find_first` should wait for at least one element to appear. """

servers = {}
# Dict[str, Callable[[object, str, int], None]]: A dictionary of server initialization functions.

drivers = {}
# Dict[str, Callable[[object], object]]: A dictionary of driver initialization functions.

session_name = "default"
""" str: The current session name. """

_session_pool = {}
# Dict[str, Session]: A pool of `Session` objects, keyed by driver and app.

DSL_METHODS = ["using_session", "using_wait_time"]

[docs]def register_server(name): """ Register a server initialization function. Args: name (str): The name of the server. Returns: Callable[[Callable[[object, str, int], None]], None]: A decorator that takes a function that initializes a server for the given WSGI-compliant app, host, and port. """ def register(init_func): servers[name] = init_func return register
[docs]def register_driver(name): """ Register a driver initialization function. Args: name (str): The name of the driver. Returns: Callable[[Callable[[object], object], None]: A decorator that takes a function that initializes a driver for the given WSGI-compliant app. """ def register(init_func): drivers[name] = init_func return register
[docs]def run_default_server(app, port): servers["werkzeug"](app, port, server_host)
[docs]def use_default_driver(): """ Use the default driver as the current driver. """ global current_driver current_driver = None
[docs]@contextmanager def using_driver(driver): """ Execute the wrapped code using a specific driver. Args: driver (str): The name of the desired driver. """ global current_driver original_current_driver = current_driver current_driver = driver try: yield finally: current_driver = original_current_driver
[docs]@contextmanager def using_wait_time(seconds): """ Execute a context using a specific wait time. Args: seconds (int | float): The new wait time. """ global default_max_wait_time original_max_wait_time = default_max_wait_time default_max_wait_time = seconds try: yield finally: default_max_wait_time = original_max_wait_time
[docs]def current_session(): """ Returns the :class:`Session` for the current driver and app, instantiating one if needed. Returns: Session: The :class:`Session` for the current driver and app. """ driver = current_driver or default_driver session_key = "{driver}:{session}:{app}".format( driver=driver, session=session_name, app=str(id(app))) session = _session_pool.get(session_key, None) if session is None: from capybara.session import Session session = Session(driver, app) _session_pool[session_key] = session return session
[docs]@contextmanager def using_session(name): """ Execute the wrapped code using a specific session name. Args: name (str): The name of the session to use. """ global session_name previous_session_name = session_name session_name = name try: yield finally: session_name = previous_session_name
[docs]def reset_sessions(): """ Resets all sessions. """ for session in iter(_session_pool.values()): session.reset()
reset = reset_sessions """ Alias for :func:`reset_sessions`. """
[docs]def string(html): """ Wraps the given string, which should contain an HTML document or fragment in a :class:`Simple` which exposes :class:`MatchersMixin`, :class:`FindersMixin`, and :class:`DocumentMatchersMixin`. This allows you to query any string containing HTML in the exact same way you would query the current document in a Capybara session. Example: A single element :: node = Capybara.string(\"""<a href="foo">bar</a>\""") anchor = node.find_first("a") anchor["href"] # => "foo" anchor.text # => "bar" Example: Multiple elements :: node = Capybara.string(\""" <ul> <li id="home">Home</li> <li id="projects">Projects</li> </ul> \""") node.find("#projects").text # => "Projects" node.has_selector("li#home", text="Home") node.has_selector("#projects") node.find("ul").find("li:first-child").text # => "Home" Args: html (str | lxml.etree.Element): An HTML fragment or document. Returns: Simple: A node which has Capybara's finders and matchers. """ from capybara.node.simple import Simple return Simple(html)
@register_server("default") def init_default_server(app, port, host): run_default_server(app, port) @register_server("werkzeug") def init_werkzeug_server(app, port, host): try: import werkzeug except ImportError: raise ImportError( 'Capybara\'s werkzeug server is unable to load `werkzeug`, please install the package ' 'and add `werkzeug` to your requirements.txt file.') from werkzeug.serving import make_server from logging import getLogger # Mute the server. log = getLogger('werkzeug') log.disabled = True server = make_server(host, port, app, threaded=True) # Inform Python that it shouldn't wait for request threads to terminate before # exiting. (They will still be appropriately terminated when the process exits.) server.daemon_threads = True server.serve_forever() @register_driver("selenium") def init_selenium_driver(app): try: import selenium except ImportError: raise ImportError( 'Capybara\'s selenium driver is unable to load `selenium`, please install the package ' 'and add `selenium` to your requirements.txt file.') from capybara.selenium.driver import Driver return Driver(app) @register_driver("werkzeug") def init_werkzeug_driver(app): try: import werkzeug except ImportError: raise ImportError( 'Capybara\'s werkzeug driver is unable to load `werkzeug`, please install the package ' 'and add `werkzeug` to your requirements.txt file.') from capybara.werkzeug.driver import Driver return Driver(app)