capybara.tests package ====================== This is a test suite for verifying the implementation of a third-party driver, exposed as `a pytest plugin`_. .. _a pytest plugin: _`Using` ~~~~~~~~ To use, add the pytest plugin in your ````:: pytest_plugins = ["capybara.tests.pytest_plugin"] Then, add a test file (e.g., ``tests/``) that registers your driver and instantiates a test suite:: import capybara from capybara.tests.suite import DriverSuite @capybara.register_driver("my_custom_driver") def init_my_custom_driver(app): from my_custom_driver.driver import Driver return Driver(app) MyCustomDriverSuite = DriverSuite( # The name used to register your driver. "my_custom_driver", # Features not supported by your driver. skip=["modals", "windows"] Now, whenever this file is collected by a pytest session, the tests in the verification suite will be included and run against your registered driver. _`Including implicit test dependencies` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This test suite relies on a number of third-party dependencies that, because they are not needed for the operation of Capybara itself, are not included in its ``requires`` configuration and thus will *not* be automatically pulled in by your package. You will need to manually add and maintain these dependencies in the ``tests_require`` configuration of your ````:: setup( # ... tests_require=["flaky", "flask", "mock", "py", "pytest >= 3", "werkzeug"]) # as of writing Submodules ---------- capybara.tests.suite module --------------------------- .. automodule:: capybara.tests.suite :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: Module contents --------------- .. automodule:: capybara.tests :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: