Source code for capybara.node.element

from warnings import warn

import capybara
from capybara.node.base import Base, synchronize

[docs]class Element(Base): """ An :class:`Element` represents a single element on the page. It is possible to interact with the contents of this element the same as with a document:: session = Session("selenium", my_app) bar = session.find("#bar") # from capybara.node.finders.FindersMixin"Baz", field="Quox") # from capybara.node.actions.ActionsMixin :class:`Element` also has access to HTML attributes and other properties of the element:: bar.value bar.text bar["title"] """ def __init__(self, session, base, query_scope, query): super(type(self), self).__init__(session, base) self.query_scope = query_scope self.query = query self._scope = None def __repr__(self): try: return "<capybara.node.element.Element tag=\"{tag}\" path=\"{path}\">".format( tag=self.base.tag_name, path=self.base.path) except Exception as e: if isinstance(e, self.session.driver.invalid_element_errors): return "Obsolete <capybara.node.element.Element>" else: raise e @property def native(self): """ object: The native element from the driver. """ return self.base.native
[docs] def execute_script(self, script, *args): self.session.execute_script(""" (function() {{ {script} }}).apply(arguments[0],, 1)); """.format(script=script), self, *args)
[docs] def evaluate_script(self, script, *args): return self.session.evaluate_script(""" (function() {{ return {script} }}).apply(arguments[0],, 1)); """.format(script=script.strip()), self, *args)
[docs] def evaluate_async_script(self, script, *args): return self.session.evaluate_async_script(""" (function() {{ {script} }}).apply(arguments[0],, 1)); """.format(script=script), self, *args)
[docs] def reload(self): if self.allow_reload: query_scope = self.query_scope.reload() reloaded = query_scope.find_first(, self.query.locator, **self.query.kwargs) if reloaded: self.base = reloaded.base return self
@property @synchronize def tag_name(self): """ str: The tag name of the element. """ return self.base.tag_name @property @synchronize def visible(self): """ bool: Whether or not the element is visible. """ return self.base.visible
[docs] @synchronize def style(self, *styles): """ Retrieve the given CSS styles. ::"color", "font-size") # => Computed values of CSS "color" and "font-size" styles Args: *styles (str): Names of the desired CSS properties. Returns: Dict[str, str]: Dictionary of the CSS property names to computed values. """ return
@property @synchronize def value(self): """ str: The value of the form element. """ return self.base.value @property def text(self): """ Retrieve the text of the element. If :data:`capybara.ignore_hidden_elements` is ``True``, which it is by default, then this will return only text which is visible. The exact semantics of this may differ between drivers, but generally any text within elements with ``display: none`` is ignored. Returns: str: The text of the element. """ if capybara.ignore_hidden_elements or capybara.visible_text_only: return self.visible_text else: return self.all_text @property @synchronize def all_text(self): """ str: All of the text of the element. """ return self.base.all_text @property @synchronize def visible_text(self): """ str: Only the visible text of the element. """ return self.base.visible_text @property @synchronize def checked(self): """ bool: Whether or not the element is checked. """ return self.base.checked @property @synchronize def selected(self): """ bool: Whether or not the element is selected. """ return self.base.selected @property @synchronize def disabled(self): """ bool: Whether or not the element is disabled. """ return self.base.disabled @property @synchronize def readonly(self): """ bool: Whether or not the element is readonly. """ return self.base.readonly @property @synchronize def multiple(self): """ bool: Whether or not the element supports multiple results. """ return self.base.multiple @property @synchronize def path(self): """ str: An XPath expression describing where on the page the element can be found. """ return self.base.path @synchronize def __getitem__(self, name): """ Retrieve the given attribute. :: element["title"] # => HTML title attribute Args: name (str): The attribute to retrieve. Returns: str: The value of the attribute. """ return self.base[name]
[docs] @synchronize def click(self, *keys, **offset): """ Click the element. Both ``x`` and ``y`` must be specified if an offset is wanted. If not specified, the click will occur at the middle of the element. Args: keys (List[Keys], optional): Keys to be held down when clicking. offset (Dict[str, int], optional): X- and Y-coordinates to offset the click location from the toop left corner of the element. """*keys, **offset)
[docs] @synchronize def double_click(self, *keys, **offset): """ Double-click the element. Both ``x`` and ``y`` must be specified if an offset is wanted. If not specified, the click will occur at the middle of the element. Args: keys (List[Keys], optional): Keys to be held down when clicking. offset (Dict[str, int], optional): X- and Y-coordinates to offset the click location from the toop left corner of the element. """ self.base.double_click(*keys, **offset)
[docs] @synchronize def drag_to(self, node): """ Drag the element to the given other element. :: source = page.find("#foo") target = page.find("#bar") source.drag_to(target) Args: node (Element): The element to drag to. """ self.base.drag_to(node.base)
[docs] @synchronize def send_keys(self, *args): """ Send keystrokes to the element. Examples:: from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys element.send_keys("foo") # => value: "foo" element.send_keys("tet", Keys.LEFT, "s") # => value: "test" Args: *args: Variable length list of keys to send. """ self.base.send_keys(*args)
[docs] @synchronize def hover(self): """ Hover on the element. """ self.base.hover()
[docs] @synchronize def right_click(self, *keys, **offset): """ Right-click the element. Both ``x`` and ``y`` must be specified if an offset is wanted. If not specified, the click will occur at the middle of the element. Args: keys (List[Keys], optional): Keys to be held down when clicking. offset (Dict[str, int], optional): X- and Y-coordinates to offset the click location from the toop left corner of the element. """ self.base.right_click(*keys, **offset)
[docs] @synchronize def select_option(self): """ Select this node if it is an option element inside a select tag. """ if self.disabled: warn("Attempt to select disabled option: {}".format(self.value or self.text)) self.base.select_option()
[docs] @synchronize def set(self, value, **options): """ Set the value of the form element to the given value. Args: value (bool | str): The new value. **options: Driver-specific options for how to set the value. """ self.base.set(value, **options)
[docs] @synchronize def unselect_option(self): """ Unselect this node if it is an option element inside a multiple select tag. """ self.base.unselect_option()