Source code for capybara.node.simple

import re
from xpath import dsl as x
from xpath.renderer import to_xpath

from capybara.compat import bytes_, str_
from capybara.node.document_matchers import DocumentMatchersMixin
from capybara.node.finders import FindersMixin
from capybara.node.matchers import MatchersMixin
from capybara.utils import decode_bytes, inner_content

[docs]class Simple(FindersMixin, MatchersMixin, DocumentMatchersMixin, object): """ A :class:`Simple` is a simpler version of :class:`Base` which includes only :class:`FindersMixin` and :class:`MatchersMixin` and does not include :class:`ActionsMixin`. This type of node is returned when using :func:`capybara.string`. It is useful in that it does not require a session, an application, or a driver, but can still use Capybara's finders and matchers on any string that contains HTML. """ def __init__(self, native): if isinstance(native, (bytes_, str_)): from lxml import etree native = decode_bytes(native) native = etree.HTML(native) self.native = native def __getitem__(self, name): """ Return the given attribute. :: element["title"] # => HTML title attribute Args: name (str): The attribute name to retrieve. Returns: str: The value of the attribute. """ return self.native.get(name) @property def tag_name(self): """ str: The tag name of the element. """ return self.native.tag @property def path(self): """ str: An XPath expression describing where on the page the element can be found. """ return self.native.getroottree().getpath(self.native) @property def text(self): """ str: The text of the element. """ return self.native.text @property def value(self): """ str: The value of the form element. """ if self.tag_name == "textarea": return inner_content(self.native) elif self.tag_name == "select": if self["multiple"] == "multiple": selected_options = self._find_xpath(".//option[@selected='selected']") return [_get_option_value(option) for option in selected_options] else: options = ( self._find_xpath(".//option[@selected='selected']") + self._find_xpath(".//option")) return _get_option_value(options[0]) if options else None elif self.tag_name == "input" and self["type"] in ["checkbox", "radio"]: return self["value"] or "on" else: return self["value"] @property def visible(self): """ bool: Whether or not the element is visible. """ return self._visible() @property def checked(self): """ bool: Whether or not the element is checked. """ return "checked" in self.native.attrib @property def disabled(self): """ bool: Whether or not the element is disabled. """ return "disabled" in self.native.attrib @property def readonly(self): """ bool: Whether or not the element is readonly. """ return "readonly" in self.native.attrib @property def multiple(self): """ bool: Whether or not the select supports multiple values. """ return "multiple" in self.native.attrib @property def selected(self): """ bool: Whether or not the element is selected. """ return "selected" in self.native.attrib @property def allow_reload(self): return False @allow_reload.setter def allow_reload(self, value): pass @property def title(self): """ str: The current page title. """ elements = self.native.xpath("/html/head/title | /html/title") return elements[0].text if elements else None
[docs] def synchronize(self, func=None, **kwargs): # Simple nodes don't need to wait. return func if func else lambda func: func
def _visible(self, check_ancestor_visibility=True): if self.tag_name == "input" and self.native.get("type") == "hidden": return False if check_ancestor_visibility: return not self.native.xpath( "./ancestor-or-self::*[" "contains(@style, 'display:none') or " "contains(@style, 'display: none') or " "@hidden or " "name()='script' or " "name()='head'" "]") if "hidden" in self.native.attrib: return False if re.compile(r"display:\s?none").search(self.native.get("style", "")): return False if self.tag_name in ["script", "head"]: return False return True def _find_xpath(self, xpath): return self.native.xpath(xpath) def _find_css(self, css): xpath = to_xpath(x.css(css)) return self._find_xpath(xpath)
def _get_option_value(option): return option.get("value") or inner_content(option)