import re
import capybara
from capybara.helpers import declension, desc, failure_message, normalize_text, toregex
from capybara.queries.base_query import BaseQuery
from capybara.utils import isregex
VALID_QUERY_TYPE = ["all", "visible"]
[docs]class TextQuery(BaseQuery):
Queries for text content in a node.
If only one argument is provided, it will be assumed to be ``expected_text``.
query_type (str, optional): One of "visible" or "all". Defaults to "visible".
expected_text (str | RegexObject): The desired text.
between (Iterable[int], optional): A range of acceptable counts.
count (int, optional): The number of times the text should match. Defaults to any number of
times greater than zero.
exact_text (bool, optional): Whether to match the text exactly. Defaults to False.
maximum (int, optional): The maximum number of times the selector should match. Defaults to
minimum (int, optional): The minimum number of times the selector should match. Defaults to
wait (bool | int | float, optional): Whether and how long to wait for synchronization.
Defaults to :data:`capybara.default_max_wait_time`.
def __init__(self, query_type, expected_text=None, between=None, count=None, exact_text=False,
maximum=None, minimum=None, wait=None):
if expected_text is None:
expected_text = query_type
query_type = None
if query_type is None:
query_type = ("visible" if capybara.ignore_hidden_elements or capybara.visible_text_only
else "all")
assert query_type in VALID_QUERY_TYPE, \
"invalid option {query_type} for query_type, should be one of {valid_values}".format(
valid_values=", ".join(desc(VALID_QUERY_TYPE)))
self.expected_text = (expected_text if isregex(expected_text)
else normalize_text(expected_text))
self.query_type = query_type
self.search_regexp = toregex(expected_text, exact=exact_text)
self.options = {
"between": between,
"count": count,
"exact_text": exact_text,
"maximum": maximum,
"minimum": minimum,
"wait": wait}
self.node = None
self.actual_text = None
self.count = None
def wait(self):
""" int | float: How long to wait for synchronization. """
return self.normalize_wait(self.options["wait"])
[docs] def resolve_for(self, node):
Resolves this query relative to the given node.
node (node.Base): The node to be evaluated.
int: The number of matches found.
self.node = node
self.actual_text = normalize_text(
node.visible_text if self.query_type == "visible" else node.all_text)
self.count = len(re.findall(self.search_regexp, self.actual_text))
return self.count
def description(self):
if isregex(self.expected_text):
return "text matching {}".format(desc(self.expected_text))
elif self.options["exact_text"]:
return "exact text {}".format(desc(self.expected_text))
return "text {}".format(desc(self.expected_text))
def failure_message(self):
""" str: A message describing the query failure. """
return self._build_message(True)
def negative_failure_message(self):
""" str: A message describing the negative query failure. """
return re.sub(r"(to find)", r"not \1", self._build_message(False))
def _build_message(self, report_on_invisible):
message = failure_message(self.description, self.options)
if any(self.options.values()):
message += " but found {count} {times}".format(
times=declension("time", "times", self.count))
message += " in {actual}".format(actual=desc(self.actual_text))
details_message = []
if self.node and not self.search_regexp.flags & re.IGNORECASE:
insensitive_regex = re.compile(
flags=(self.search_regexp.flags | re.IGNORECASE))
insensitive_count = len(re.findall(insensitive_regex, self.actual_text))
if insensitive_count != self.count:
"it was found {count} {times} using a case insensitive search".format(
times=declension("time", "times", insensitive_count)))
if self.node and self.query_type == "visible" and report_on_invisible:
invisible_text = normalize_text(self.node.all_text)
invisible_count = len(re.findall(self.search_regexp, invisible_text))
if invisible_count != self.count:
"it was found {count} {times} including non-visible text".format(
times=declension("time", "times", invisible_count)))
if details_message:
message += ". (However, {details}.)".format(details=" and ".join(details_message))
return message