Source code for capybara.queries.title_query

import re

from capybara.helpers import desc, normalize_text, toregex
from capybara.queries.base_query import BaseQuery
from capybara.utils import isregex

[docs]class TitleQuery(BaseQuery): """ Queries the title content of a node. Args: expected_title (str | RegexObject): The desired title. exact (bool, optional): Whether the text should match exactly. Defaults to False. wait (bool | int | float, optional): Whether and how long to wait for synchronization. Defaults to :data:`capybara.default_max_wait_time`. """ def __init__(self, expected_title, exact=False, wait=None): self.expected_title = (expected_title if isregex(expected_title) else normalize_text(expected_title)) self.actual_title = None self.search_regexp = toregex(expected_title, exact=exact) self.options = { "wait": wait}
[docs] def resolves_for(self, node): """ Resolves this query relative to the given node. Args: node (node.Document): The node to be evaluated. Returns: bool: Whether the given node matches this query. """ self.actual_title = normalize_text(node.title) return bool(
@property def wait(self): """ int | float: How long to wait for synchronization. """ return self.normalize_wait(self.options["wait"]) @property def failure_message(self): """ str: A message describing the query failure. """ return self._build_message() @property def negative_failure_message(self): """ str: A message describing the negative query failure. """ return self._build_message(" not") def _build_message(self, negated=""): verb = "match" if isregex(self.expected_title) else "include" return "expected {actual}{negated} to {verb} {expected}".format( actual=desc(self.actual_title), negated=negated, verb=verb, expected=desc(self.expected_title))