Source code for capybara.server

from contextlib import closing
from threading import Thread
from time import sleep

import capybara
from capybara.compat import URLError, urlopen
from capybara.helpers import Timer
from capybara.utils import (

[docs]class Server(object): """ Serves a WSGI-compliant app for Capybara to test. Args: app (object): The WSGI-compliant app to serve. port (int, optional): The port on which the server should be available. Defaults to :data:`capybara.server_port`, or the last port used by the given app, or a random available port. host (str, optional): The host on which the server should be available. Defaults to :data:`capybara.server_host`. """ _ports = {} def __init__(self, app, port=None, host=None): = app = ( host or capybara.server_host) self.port = ( port or capybara.server_port or type(self)._ports.get(self.port_key, None) or find_available_port()) self.server_thread = None @property def error(self): return self.middleware.error
[docs] def reset_error(self): self.middleware.error = None
@property def port_key(self): return str(id(
[docs] @cached_property def middleware(self): return Middleware(
[docs] def wait_for_pending_requests(self): timer = Timer(60) while self.has_pending_requests: if timer.expired: raise RuntimeError("Requests did not finish in 60 seconds") sleep(0.01)
[docs] def boot(self): """ Boots a server for the app, if it isn't already booted. Returns: Server: This server. """ if not self.responsive: # Remember the port so we can reuse it if we try to serve this same app again. type(self)._ports[self.port_key] = self.port init_func = capybara.servers[capybara.server_name] init_args = (self.middleware, self.port, self.server_thread = Thread(target=init_func, args=init_args) # Inform Python that it shouldn't wait for this thread to terminate before # exiting. (It will still be appropriately terminated when the process exits.) self.server_thread.daemon = True self.server_thread.start() # Make sure the server actually starts and becomes responsive. timer = Timer(60) while not self.responsive: if timer.expired: raise RuntimeError("WSGI application timed out during boot") self.server_thread.join(0.1) return self
@property def responsive(self): """ bool: Whether the server for this app is up and responsive. """ if self.server_thread and self.server_thread.join(0): return False try: # Try to fetch the endpoint added by the middleware. identify_url = "http://{0}:{1}/__identify__".format(, self.port) with closing(urlopen(identify_url)) as response: body, status_code =, response.getcode() if str(status_code)[0] == "2" or str(status_code)[0] == "3": return decode_bytes(body) == str(id( except URLError: pass return False @property def has_pending_requests(self): return self.middleware.has_pending_requests
[docs]class Middleware(object): def __init__(self, app): = app self.counter = Counter() self.error = None def __call__(self, environ, start_response): if environ["PATH_INFO"] == "/__identify__": return self.identify(environ, start_response) else: with self.counter: try: return, start_response) except Exception as e: self.error = e raise
[docs] def identify(self, environ, start_response): start_response("200 OK", [("Content-Type", "text/plain")]) return [encode_string(str(id(]
@property def has_pending_requests(self): return self.counter.value > 0