Source code for capybara.utils

from socket import socket
from threading import Lock

from capybara.compat import (

_missing = object()

[docs]class cached_property(property): """ Decorates an instance method, turning it into a property whose value is cached. """ def __init__(self, func): self.__name__ = func.__name__ self.__module__ = func.__module__ self.__doc__ = func.__doc__ self.func = func def __get__(self, obj, type=None): if obj is None: return self value = obj.__dict__.get(self.__name__, _missing) if value is _missing: value = self.func(obj) obj.__dict__[self.__name__] = value return value
[docs]class Counter(object): """ Keeps track of a running count. """ def __init__(self): self._lock = Lock() self._value = 0 @property def value(self): """ int: The current value of the counter. """ return self._value def __enter__(self): with self._lock: self._value += 1 def __exit__(self, *args): with self._lock: self._value -= 1
[docs]def decode_bytes(value): """ str: Decodes the given byte sequence. """ return value.decode("utf-8") if isbytes(value) else value
[docs]def encode_string(value): """ bytes: Encodes the given string. """ return value.encode("utf-8") if isstring(value) else value
[docs]def find_available_port(): """ int: A random available port. """ s = socket() s.bind(("", 0)) return s.getsockname()[1]
[docs]def inner_content(node): """ Returns the inner content of a given XML node, including tags. Args: node (lxml.etree.Element): The node whose inner content is desired. Returns: str: The inner content of the node. """ from lxml import etree # Include text content at the start of the node. parts = [node.text] for child in node.getchildren(): # Include the child serialized to raw XML. parts.append(etree.tostring(child, encoding="utf-8")) # Include any text following the child. parts.append(child.tail) # Discard any non-existent text parts and return. return "".join(filter(None, parts))
[docs]def inner_text(node): """ Returns the inner text of a given XML node, excluding tags. Args: node: (lxml.etree.Element): The node whose inner text is desired. Returns: str: The inner text of the node. """ from lxml import etree # Include text content at the start of the node. parts = [node.text] for child in node.getchildren(): # Include the raw text content of the child. parts.append(etree.tostring(child, encoding="utf-8", method="text")) # Include any text following the child. parts.append(child.tail) # Discard any non-existent text parts and return. return "".join(map(decode_bytes, filter(None, parts)))
[docs]def isbytes(value): """ bool: Whether the given value is a sequence of bytes. """ return isinstance(value, bytes_)
[docs]def isregex(possible_regex): """ Returns whether the given object is (probably) a regular expression object. Args: possible_regex (object): An object which may or may not be a regular expression. Returns: bool: Whether the given object is (probably) a regular expression object. """ return hasattr(possible_regex, "search") and callable(
[docs]def isstring(value): """ bool: Whether the given value is a string. """ return isinstance(value, str_)
[docs]def normalize_url(url): """ Returns the given URL with all query keys properly escaped. Args: url (str): The URL to normalize. Returns: str: The normalized URL. """ uri = urlparse(url) query = uri.query or "" pairs = parse_qsl(query) decoded_pairs = [(unquote(key), value) for key, value in pairs] encoded_pairs = [(quote(key), value) for key, value in decoded_pairs] normalized_query = urlencode(encoded_pairs) return ParseResult( scheme=uri.scheme, netloc=uri.netloc, path=uri.path, params=uri.params, query=normalized_query, fragment=uri.fragment).geturl()
[docs]def setter_decorator(fset): """ Define a write-only property that, in addition to the given setter function, also provides a setter decorator defined as the property's getter function. This allows one to set the property either through traditional assignment, as a method argument, or through decoration:: class Widget(object): @setter_decorator def handler(self, value): self._handler = value widget = Widget() # Method 1: Traditional assignment widget.handler = lambda input: process(input) # Method 2: Assignment via method argument widget.handler(lambda input: process(input)) # Method 3: Assignment via decoration @widget.handler def handler(input): return process(input) # Method 3b: Assignment via decoration with extraneous parens @widget.handler() def handler(input): return process(input) """ def fget(self): def inner(value): fset(self, value) def outer(value=None): if value: # We are being called with the desired value, either directly or # as a decorator. inner(value) else: # Assume we are being called as a decorator with extraneous parens, # so return the setter as the actual decorator. return inner return outer fdoc = fset.__doc__ return property(fget, fset, None, fdoc)