capybara.tests package

This is a test suite for verifying the implementation of a third-party driver, exposed as a pytest plugin.


To use, add the pytest plugin in your

pytest_plugins = ["capybara.tests.pytest_plugin"]

Then, add a test file (e.g., tests/ that registers your driver and instantiates a test suite:

import capybara
from capybara.tests.suite import DriverSuite

def init_my_custom_driver(app):
    from my_custom_driver.driver import Driver

    return Driver(app)

MyCustomDriverSuite = DriverSuite(
    # The name used to register your driver.

    # Features not supported by your driver.
    skip=["modals", "windows"]

Now, whenever this file is collected by a pytest session, the tests in the verification suite will be included and run against your registered driver.

Including implicit test dependencies

This test suite relies on a number of third-party dependencies that, because they are not needed for the operation of Capybara itself, are not included in its requires configuration and thus will not be automatically pulled in by your package. You will need to manually add and maintain these dependencies in the tests_require configuration of your

    # ...
    tests_require=["flaky", "flask", "mock", "py", "pytest >= 3", "werkzeug"])  # as of writing


capybara.tests.suite module

class capybara.tests.suite.DriverSuite(driver_name, skip=None)[source]

Bases: object

Represents a suite of tests that should be run against a particular driver.

  • driver_name (str) – The registered name of the driver to test.
  • skip (List[str], optional) – A list of features not supported by the driver. Tests in the suite marked as requiring these features will be skipped.

Module contents